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Thursday, September 12, 2024

2 writings by Shawna


To: Rae Gaither

"Wo recht zu unrecht wird, wird widersta...

06 Sep 24

"Wo recht zu unrecht wird, wird widerstand zur Pflicht" -where right becomes wrong, resistance becomes duty - Justice to me is much like the sea, it has storms with waves that take all you have to climb and not sink below the weight, it has depths not known, it can be cold and swift, or feel endless when sought, with no end in sight. We the seekers, sit in a raft, wandering, aimless through a system designed to dehumanize and justify eliminating us with a sentence to be executed, removing us from any moral universe so that they can feel OK about putting the gun to our head. What truly needs to be recognized is the endless victims this causes that were never part of the sentence. The officers who have to watch us, the doctor that has to administer whatever needed, and to call the time of death, all knowing in their souls it goes against their hypocritic oath, the executioners who suffer a high rate of suicide and alcoholism. The families and friends, the witnesses, all of these victims to end a life, usually 25 + years after the fact. How about the innocent, wrongly convicted, or people who did not personally kill? What should frighten you more? the power that crushes us, or our endless ability to endure it? As crime and murder are on the rise, yet the thirst for a bonus check and a promotion by the righteous ones holding a position to soak the ground in more blood, who sit and point "kill" not to be questioned or held accountable in their prosecutions deceit, no, indeed a clap on the back and a celebratory Hoo rah. The Death Penalty is a money game, everyone gets paid and the condemned line the pockets of politicians and prisons, as we scream "I'm a human being too" but we shuffle in to the execution chamber one soul at a time and pay everyone with our life. I AM I am a warrior, it is my nature I am love, I am part of a legend as in the ancient Sanskrit that speak of of our souls and the destiny within each of us that is fated to meet and collide and enrapture on another. When there is love it is recognized in every gesture, sound, every expression of thought, every movement. The legends say that we know it by its wings that only we can see when flying in a merciless journey. I am the rock you crash against I am the the storm I am the struggle I am the fire of my ancestors as they rise I am Condemned Shawna Forde