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PV Healthcare

Perryville Healthcare.  Why do the inmates not receive adequate healthcare as the AZ DOC assures us they do?  What's the problem that's so bad the ACLU has sued and won and it is in ligation again? Whether you like it or not, you're paying taxes and supporting the healthcare system the inmate's are not receiving.  So, what's happening to the taxpayer's money??   Who's lining their pockets with taxpayer money because it's sure not being given to the inmates.   The inmate's have to pay a "co payment" from their "insurance".   I'm not certain most people even realize this.   They make about $14.00 every couple weeks, if they have a job, and have to buy hygiene supplies, mailing supplies, and any snacks they want from that and make medical "co payments".    Talk about a tight budget.   
Is this why Jason "Gunny" Bush has lost his leg on AZ Men's DR?  Why were the bullet fragments allowed to stay in his leg causing infection after infection until 7 years after this crime, when the leg was so bad it had to come off?  

I was informed Shawna had not been given her blood pressure medications for 6 weeks.  Shawna is not just on them because her blood pressure's up a little.  Shawna's had a previous cerebral infarct and is very high risk to have another one, especially without her meds.   Then she told me she got her meds so i thought everything would be okay.   Now, i have been informed Shawna had an episode of being completely numb down one side, tingling, incontinent of urine, very weak,  and vomiting.  So bad she fell out her bed trying to get up to clean herself up.   She lay on her concrete floor over 48 hours crying for help as staff looked on.  Finally, a staff member got her some clean bedding, walked over her to lay it on her bed and back out.  Leaving her on the floor in urine and vomit.  Next, a nurse came in and looked at her.  And left her laying there, in vomit and urine.   

While some cold callous folks might think this is okay.  I do not.  I will be posting some more detail on this and the staff names that thought it okay.   This is why people are dying left and right in AZ DOC.  Not reporting it makes us all guilty of it too.    Please contact Arizona Governor Doug Ducey    And tell him this is unacceptable.   

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