Blog Archive

Friday, October 23, 2020

The following was written by Shawna Forde for a German Publication & her blog


When you say goodbye, you leave a piece of your own personal history, there is a sense of permanency. As long shadows grow before my eyes, as I quietly contemplate my own goodbye, my mark on the world I may leave, and if I left here tomorrow would you still remember me?

We all come to bridges we must cross, even burn down, then leave behind with the memory of smoke and that our eyes were burning.

In restless dreams we walk alone, we are born owning many qualities, most we do not know we posses until we travel on our own journey. All journeys have beginnings and within beginnings enlies endings.

What kind of end depends on what kind of run God gives us.

As a condemned woman to be executed in America, a goodbye is deeply personal. Germany has blessed me, by allowing me to share with you, my soul.

Throughout our life we close many doors, doors to friendships, family, relationships, jobs, freedom, and environment. Some we love deeply. Myself, I may have to say goodbye to love of life.

I think of the world as one, and all people sharing the love of God without boundaries or restrictions, that is my hope for all of you, that you lean toward one another, when I'm weary and feeling small, I lean to God, and I lean to you.

To say goodbye is really recognizing our pain and our history, so we can gently close a door, in closing that door another lies ahead to be opened.

saying goodbye is really saying hello.

Shawna forde

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